Opkon dealers in India, Linear Position Transducer in India, Non-contact magnetostrictive sensor in India, Linear Magnetic encoder in India, Rotary encoder in India, Absolute Encoder in India, Draw wire sensor in India, Distance Sensor in India, Proximity Sensor in India, Photo Electric Sensor in India

Distance Sensors in India

The Distance Sensors in India can realize detection according to the distance to the target, and detect the difference in position and height of the target, unaffected by the surface and color of the target. Qanbay's Distance Sensors in India can be divided into photoelectric range sensor and laser range sensor, which can realize detection range from micron to tens of meters, with high, middle and low precision types and various interfaces that can meet customers’ different requirements.

Opkon dealers in India, Linear Position Transducer in India, Non-contact magnetostrictive sensor in India, Linear Magnetic encoder in India, Rotary encoder in India, Absolute Encoder in India, Draw wire sensor in India, Distance Sensor in India, Proximity Sensor in India, Photo Electric Sensor in India

Laser Ranging

Qanbay high-precision laser ranging sensor is intelligent, sturdy and convenient. Intelligent: The sensor can perform gain-control by itself, that is, self adaptive control and optimization according to the reflectivity of the target, which can realize stable measurement from black rubber to smooth metal surface; Sturdy: Improve the sensor structure, pure machining process

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is stronger and more durable than the ordinary plastic case, with better electromagnetic protection and due to integrated design of optical basis, the sensor can avoid the risk of measurement error caused by base
deflection; Convenient: The sensor is small in size, requires small installation controls, light weight, easy to install, so it's ideal for installation on moving objects, reducing space requirements and reducing failures relative to split architecture.

Opkon dealers in India, Linear Position Transducer in India, Non-contact magnetostrictive sensor in India, Linear Magnetic encoder in India, Rotary encoder in India, Absolute Encoder in India, Draw wire sensor in India, Distance Sensor in India, Proximity Sensor in India, Photo Electric Sensor in India

2D Laser Scanner

The range sensor can realize detection according to the distance to the target, and detect the difference in position and height of the target, unaffected by the surface and color of the target. Qanbay's range sensor can be divided into photoelectric range sensor and laser range sensor, which can realize detection range from micron to tens of meters, with high, middle and low precision types and various interfaces that can meet customers' different requirements.

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